形式 issued by the 审计长bet356英国在线 and other agencies pertaining to 质量achusetts state finance, 合同, 财务报告, 工资, 人力资源, 企业系统访问, 和更多的.
跳转到: 会计 | 预算 | 资本项目 | 合同 | 联邦拨款和费用分配 | 公认会计准则 | 非税收入 | 其他 | 收款人(供应商和客户)和付款 | 工资和劳动力成本管理 | 安全
形式 issued by the 审计长bet356英国在线 and other agencies pertaining to 质量achusetts state finance, 合同, 财务报告, 工资, 人力资源, 企业系统访问, 和更多的.
跳转到: 会计 | 预算 | 资本项目 | 合同 | 联邦拨款和费用分配 | 公认会计准则 | 非税收入 | 其他 | 收款人(供应商和客户)和付款 | 工资和劳动力成本管理 | 安全
DocuSign processes are now available for several CTR forms: 标准合约表格, Combined 形式W-9 / 电子资金转移(EFT)授权表格, 形式W-9, 电子资金转移(EFT)授权表格, Contractor Authorized Signatory Listing (CASL) Form for Sole Proprietors, 对外现金收付表, 关键联系人更新表, 应收账款变更请求表 Procurement Card (P-Card) 形式, 预先拨款继续申请表格, 和解判决书, 注销(WO)表格
This form is jointly issued and published by the 审计长bet356英国在线, 行政和财务执行bet356英国在线, and the Operational Services Division as the default contract for all Commonwealth Departments when another form is not prescribed by regulation or policy.
powerdm视图现在标准的合同格式是一页纸, and it incorporates the terms and conditions by reference. This means that signing the standard contract form also signifies acceptance of the applicable terms and conditions, and there is no need to separately sign the terms and conditions.
新的标准合同形式, 指令, 还有承包商证书和条款 should be used for all new 合同 executed on or after October 25, 2019.
The 指令 and certifications for the standard contract form and terms and conditions have been merged into a single document titled “标准合约表格 Instructions and Contractor Certifications.”
The most substantial change to the substance of the 指令 and contractor certifications and to the terms and conditions is that language was deleted which required compliance with Executive Order 504, 已于10月25日撤销, 2019, and new language was inserted 政府erning the Protection of Commonwealth Data, 个人资料, 和信息. The standard contract form 指令 还有承包商证书和条款 also include new language regarding discrimination and human trafficking. 最后, we have made a number of formatting changes and have updated records retention requirements and references to statutes, 规定, 管理策略, 以及行政命令.
适用于10月25日前签订的合同, 2019, 标准合同表格的版本, 指令, 还有承包商证书和条款 that was in effect at the time the contract was executed will apply for the duration of that contract.
For renewals or amendments of existing 合同 executed before October 25, 2019, the department may use the previous version of the 标准合约表格, 指令, 还有承包商证书和条款. Departments should use their best judgment during transition between use of the old forms or the new forms.
NOTE: Vendors looking for the Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Authorization Form should contact the department they are doing business with. Commonwealth of 质量achusetts Departments looking for the EFT Authorization Form should visit[需要磁铁或VPN].
Use of the former Department 安全 Officer Designation Form is now discontinued. Designations or changes to the Primary Department 安全 Officer or Backup Department 安全 Officer will be made using the Key State Finance Law Compliance Responsibilities Update Form.