This is a public-facing repository of all 审计长bet356英国在线 policies pertaining to state finance, financial records retention, 工资, 预算, 企业系统, 企业安全.
All MMARS and HR/CMS users now have enhanced access to Job Aids, 政策, Statewide Learning materials, and the Expenditure Classification Handbook via bet356官网首页的文档门户.
For questions, please contact the CTR解决方案台 at (电子邮件保护).
跳转到: 审计 | 预算 | 资本(固定)资产 | 合同 | 联邦和州补助金 | 一般 | Interdepartmental Business | 接口 | 内部控制 | 非税收入 | 支付 | Payroll and Labor Cost Management | 安全 | 和解与判决