为马萨诸塞州联邦部门的供应商提供资源, 包括执行国家合同的资源包括电子签名, applicable forms, and policies for vendors.
供应商可与主计长解决方案bet356英国在线联系,询问流程问题 [email protected] or 617-973-2468.
如果您是供应商,有特定于您的合同或表格信息的问题,请 contact the department with whom you are doing business.
为马萨诸塞州联邦部门的供应商提供资源, 包括执行国家合同的资源包括电子签名, applicable forms, and policies for vendors.
供应商可与主计长解决方案bet356英国在线联系,询问流程问题 [email protected] or 617-973-2468.
如果您是供应商,有特定于您的合同或表格信息的问题,请 contact the department with whom you are doing business.
VendorWeb使马萨诸塞州联邦的供应商和收款人能够查看和下载计划付款, payment history, and tax Forms 1099.
VISIT VENDORWEB财务总监bet356英国在线现在接受财务报表的电子提交 Standard Contract Form and the Contractor Authorized Signatory Listing (CASL) through Adobe Acrobat Sign and DocuSign, 以及W-9表格和通过DocuSign进行的电子资金转移(EFT)授权表格.
邮件主题:DocuSign: EFT表格复印件,XXXXX或DocuSign: W-9表格复印件,XXXXX
This 是已寄出及已由部门寄件人收到的信封副本. No action is required with this notification. However, if the department needs to perform an action 在等待收到卖方的回复时,卖方将在信封上注明epartment can use this to access the envelope. 示例包括获取信封ID以帮助跟踪 envelopes.
这是在供应商完成订单后发送给部门审核人员的电子邮件 form.
Email subject: Completed DocuSign Commonwealth_W9_Form_2020.或填妥的DocuSign联邦马萨诸塞州EFT表格.docx
This is the notification that all parties (Sender, Vendor, Reviewer) receive once the envelope is completed by the Reviewer and sent to CTR Vendor Team. No action is required with this notification. 从这个通知中,各方都可以访问信封并下载保存 electronically.
这是一封提醒邮件,将在正文中注明信封过期的日期 of the email.
Email subject: Voided DocuSign Commonwealth_W9_Form_2020.docx or Voided DocuSign Commonwealth of Massachusetts EFT Form.docx
This envelope has been voided and cannot be used. It could have been voided due to expiration of the envelope or by one of the signers (Department of Vendor). The body of the email will have the voided reason in it
电子签名具有内置的多层安全性和身份验证 are accompanied by a proof of 可以在法庭上用来证明签名有效性的交易. For more information please read this DocuSign article.
Yes. You can use e-移动网络浏览器上的签名,便于智能手机和平板电脑使用. From the email notification, click on Review Document. You will then be able to fill in the information on 然后像在DocuSign中通常做的那样对文档进行签名.
审计长bet356英国在线已选择通过DocuSign接受两种类型的电子签名. A 签名者可以使用鼠标或手指绘制他们的签名,如果工作om a touch screen device or can upload a picture of their wet signature. The typed text of a signature is not an acceptable form of electronic signature.
If 您的签名以输入的文本格式显示,您需要登录您的帐户 Preferences to change it. Please follow these instructions.
If 如果您有DocuSign帐户,根据您的帐户设置,您可能不会收到电子邮件. If your settings are configured so that you don’t receive notifications, log into DocuSign to complete the review of the document. Review the instructions on how to change these settings.
或者,您的IT设置可能会阻止DocuSign电子邮件通知. Review this article for more information and work with your IT department.
If the DocuSign form you are filling out requires an attachment, select the paper clip icon and follow the prompts. Review the job aids for more detailed instructions.
当有人拒绝在表格上签名时,信封将进入拒绝状态. The person declining 签名者应在评论框中注明拒绝的原因. NOTE: Please do not share any personal identifying information (PII) or other sensitive information in this box. All parties are notified 通过电子邮件告知信封被拒绝了,并在评论框中注明了原因. If the 表格仍然需要填写和签名,需要发送一个新的信封.
所有需要的是一个有效的电子邮件地址和访问网络浏览器. DocuSign支持以下浏览器的最新稳定版本. View additional information on system requirements.
*Chrome and Firefox are the recommended browsers.
如果DocuSign要求您输入密码,这意味着您已经使用使用的电子邮件地址设置了DocuSign帐户. To view the document, you must log into your DocuSign account. If you don’t remember your password, please read this article on how to reset it.
COMMBUYS是马萨诸塞州联邦行政部门的官方采购记录系统. 为了提高透明度,combuys网站提供免费的基于互联网的公共采购信息访问服务, increase competition, and achieve best value for Massachusetts taxpayers.
电子资金转帐(EFT)使您的企业能够从马萨诸塞州联邦直接存入您公司的银行账户. EFT is safe, fast, and effective.
To enroll in EFT, please contact the department you do business with.
EFT payments should appear in VendorWeb within 24-48 hours.
您可以从Payment下载汇款信息的电子表格 History, and download it to your device. This will enable you to sort by field.
To enroll in EFT, please contact the department you do business with.
Once you authorize a department to submit payments through EFT, it should take approximately one month to verify your bank account and begin processing payments. Once established,在您取消此授权之前,您将一直保持直接存款.
如果联邦在银行变更发生之前没有得到通知, your EFT will reject, and a paper check will be issued instead. Contact the department you do business with to make a change to your EFT information.
This number is usually located 在支票的左下角,通常在你的银行账号之前. If you are unsure of the number, contact your bank.
You can send this electronically or via mail to department you do business with.